Priorities USA Action Launches New TV and Digital Ads Using Trump’s “Slow the Testing Down” Comments
Donald Trump is actively hurting the country as we attempt to fight against the coronavirus, which has now claimed over 120,000 American lives and over 45 million jobs. Thousands are still getting sick every day, and Donald Trump has admitted to ordering the slowdown of crucial testing because he wants to artificially keep the numbers down. Trump’s incompetence and lies have directly led to more American deaths and slowed our ability to get our economy back up and running safely.
“Slow the Testing” will begin running on television in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin tomorrow and uses Trump’s own words at his Tulsa rally, where he admitted on national television that he instructed his administration to “slow the testing down.” Thousands of lives would have been saved had adequate coronavirus testing been available. While other countries move forward with reopening, we are seeing our number of cases skyrocket.
“Testing” will be added to the ongoing digital campaign across battleground states. The ad uses several of Trump’s comments to expose his long-running campaign against testing. Even prior to his admission that he told his team to slow down testing, Trump made it clear that he disliked testing because it reveals the true extent of the pandemic in America.
Priorities is currently spending over $2 million per week on TV and digital advertising as part of a more than $200 million effort to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that Joe Biden is elected in November.
“Americans have died, gotten sick or lost their jobs because of Donald Trump’s selfishness, negligence, and incompetence. What he admitted to in Tulsa is nothing short of a tragedy,” said Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil. “Donald Trump made it clear that he ordered a slowdown of coronavirus testing to protect his own ego. Vice President Biden will lead with competency, honesty, and will always listen to the facts. Priorities USA is doing everything we can to elect Joe Biden because he will put the interests of the American people first.”