Priorities USA Invests $4 Million in Latino Voter Engagement over the 2022 Midterm Election Cycle

October 27, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Priorities USA announced that it committed $4 million to persuade and mobilize Latino communities online in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire and Georgia during the 2022 election cycle.

Priorities’ digital programs include “Check Your Registration” campaigns to inform Latino voters of how, when and where to vote. These ads appeared in both English and Spanish. Additionally, Priorities’ digital campaigns center the Latino experience and speak to issues specific to Latino communities across key states. This work is critical to prioritizing the preferences and lived experiences of Latino voters when the time comes to cast a ballot. These programs also include key partnerships with Latino-led organizations such as Somos Votantes and Somos PAC to amplify how essential Latino support is to secure progressive victories for all Americans.

In addition to advertising, Priorities conducted extensive research alongside allies and partners that focused on the preferences of Latino voters and engaged with the nuances of the community. Latino voters are not a monolith and Priorities’ research shaped how both Priorities and its allies conducted intentional and consistent outreach with the Latino community.

Democrats must engage in consistent, targeted and multilingual outreach with Latino communities year-round to demonstrate that Latinos and their unique concerns have a place in the Democratic Party. It’s imperative that Democrats increase outreach efforts with Latino voters as this community is a critical constituency across key states in every region of the country, leaving ample room for Democrats to cultivate this support.

Additionally, Latino voters are disproportionately affected by voter suppression laws designed to dilute their political power. Since 2015, Priorities has invested over $50 million to fight the impact of voter suppression on Latino voters, immigrants, working-class communities and other voters of color. This work includes voter education programs targeted to those most impacted by voter suppression and courtroom litigation to protect the right to vote.

“Latino voters have been consistently stereotyped and marginalized by conventional political campaigns. Priorities’ digital campaigns are focused on breaking down these assumptions and work to engage the Latino communities on the issues that affect their everyday lives,” said Aneesa McMillan, Deputy Executive Director of Priorities USA. “Latino communities wield incredible power to sway crucial elections in multiple battleground states. Priorities USA will continue to prioritize digital campaigns that center these voters, provide critical voter education and draw strong contrasts between Democrats and their right-wing Republican opponents.”
