Statement from Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil on President Biden’s Build Back Better Legislative Framework
Today, President Biden laid out his plan to strengthen the middle class, support families, and fight climate change. This legislation includes relief for children and families, safeguards the health of our planet, and ensures that wealthy corporations pay their fair share. Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement:
“Priorities USA has spent the last two years talking to the American people about President Biden’s legislative agenda. Combating climate change, creating good-paying jobs, building the middle class, and supporting families by providing more opportunities for children to thrive consistently rank as top priorities for voters.
It is now time to unite behind a legislative framework that puts working families first. Priorities USA will continue to engage voters where they are and give them the facts about the work being done on their behalf by Democrats in Washington. The magnitude of this legislation must not be lost in the — often frustrating — news about negotiations. There is still much work to be done, but I am proud that Democrats have weathered intense Republican opposition and obstruction to deliver the change our country so desperately needs.”