Priorities USA Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Protecting Pennsylvania’s Election Day Ballot Postmark Deadline
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision extending the state’s mail ballot receipt deadline. The Pennsylvania Republican Party requested a stay of the previous ruling which sought to reverse the extended ballot receipt deadline. The earlier case was filed by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and the final decision was based on evidence and legal issues brought simultaneously in a separate action funded and supported by Priorities USA. The ruling allows Pennsylvania election officials to count ballots received up to three days after Election Day. Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement:
“This decision by the Supreme Court is a major win for voting rights at the highest level,” said Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil. “The Court has rejected this newest effort to force Pennsylvania to adhere to strict ballot receipt deadlines which unnecessarily discount voters’ voices because of factors beyond their control. I am encouraged by the Supreme Court’s decision and we will continue to fight to ensure that as many Americans as possible are allowed to cast their ballots without unnecessary barriers. Mail-in voting is a secure tool that allows thousands of voters to easily and safely cast their ballots and that is critically important in the midst of a global pandemic.”