Priorities USA Has Raised Nearly $66.4 Million in 3rd Quarter with 2 Weeks Remaining
Priorities USA raised about $15.7 million in August across its three entities and has raised an additional $32.9 million in the first 18 days of September in contributions and commitments. This brings the third quarter total to nearly $66.4 million with 12 days left in September. This total surpasses the $58 million Priorities raised in the 3rd quarter of 2016 by about $8.4 million.
“We’re going to see a lot of states decided by a few votes in the most important election of our lives. Our supporters are taking the challenge seriously and ensuring we have the resources we need to fight for a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris victory,” said Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil. “While fundraising is going well, this election is going to be close and the other side isn’t letting up. Priorities will continue to hold Donald Trump accountable and run the strategic campaigns we need to supplement the Biden campaign’s efforts.”