Priorities USA Action Launches New Digital Ads Contrasting Trump’s Reckless Coronavirus Response with Biden’s Steady Leadership
Priorities USA Action is launching two new digital ads in battleground states that draw a strong contrast between the two candidates for president. The virus has killed more than 200,000 Americans and infected the highest levels of our government after Donald Trump spent months downplaying the risk, ignoring experts, and lying about the threat.
“Four More Years” and “Breath of Fresh Air” both focus on the chaos of the Trump presidency and his reckless response to the pandemic that has consisted of a steady stream of disinformation, lies and attempts to downplay the virus. The pandemic that has done so much damage to this nation and our economy did not have to be this bad. The ads contrast Trump’s chaotic mishandling of the crisis with Joe Biden’s clear eyed approach to rebuilding our economy and beating the virus.
The ads will run on digital platforms in the battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Priorities USA Action has kept a heavy focus on holding Donald Trump accountable for his response to the coronavirus since March, ensuring the American people are consistently reminded of his lies and failures.
“These are serious times for our country and we wish President Trump a speedy recovery. But the sad truth is that Donald Trump has put each and every one of us at risk by downplaying the threat of the virus and then undermining the response,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “On masks, on social distancing, on testing — Donald Trump has said and done things that have actively hurt the people he was elected to protect. Trump’s focus is always about himself, but this isn’t about him. It’s about every American. We need to elect Joe Biden so he can bring seriousness and stability to this nation and end the chaos of the Trump presidency.”