Statement on President Biden’s State of the Union Address from Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil

March 01, 2022

Following President Biden’s State of the Union address, Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement:

“In just over one year in office, President Biden has already made significant progress to improve the lives of American families and communities. From Covid relief to infrastructure, the Biden administration has proven to the American people that they can be trusted to make the changes our country needs. Not only has President Biden shown strong, steady leadership at home, he has demonstrated an unequivocal ability to unite our allies on the world stage and bring the global community together in times of conflict.

“While the administration has already accomplished so much for working families, Joe Biden knows that the task at hand is far from over. From expanding access to health care to improving mental health treatment to protecting our nation’s veterans, President Biden showed the nation a clear path forward to solve our greatest challenges.

“Priorities USA has been talking to voters for two years about Joe Biden’s historic agenda to build a better foundation for our country where every American can thrive. We will continue to invest in directly reaching voters to ensure that every voter is connected with the plans that President Biden laid out in his address tonight.”