Statement from Priorities USA Deputy Executive Director Aneesa McMillan Regarding Supreme Court Decision on Alabama Redistricting Case

June 08, 2023

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Supreme Court issued a ruling ordering Alabama officials to redraw the state’s congressional district map to better represent Black voters in the state. The decision affirmed that the current map violates Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, a key provision that protects against diluting the power of minority voters. 

Priorities USA Deputy Executive Director Aneesa McMillan issued the following statement: 

“The Supreme Court’s decision to allow an additional Black majority district in Alabama is a crucial win for Black voters who have historically faced unnecessary barriers to the ballot box in the state. I started my political career in Alabama’s 7th congressional district, which is in the state’s sole Black majority district and includes my hometown, Selma. My unique experiences helped me to understand the importance of fair representation, and I am grateful that this decision will elevate the voices of Black voters who are often the targets of the rigorous voter suppression efforts we’ve seen over the last decade. Racial gerrymandering is one of the oldest attacks on our democracy. By upholding Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, the Supreme Court is delivering on their duty to ensure every voter has fair, equitable access to the ballot. As we approach the 10th anniversary of the Shelby v. Holder decision that gutted the ability of the federal government to protect voting rights, I am hopeful this decision will create opportunities to allow every voter to be justly represented.

I also want to congratulate the plaintiffs, advocates, and brilliant litigators that have led us to this moment. This has been a long journey and is a reflection of the resilience of many of us working in this space. Priorities USA remains committed to staying in the fight alongside so many others on the frontlines of the fight to protect the sacred right to vote.”
