Priorities USA Action Releases New Digital Ads Holding Trump Accountable for Disastrous Coronavirus Response

April 08, 2020

Priorities USA Action is launching several new digital ads in both English and Spanish highlighting the Trump administration’s failed response as the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on American communities. The ads also contrast Vice President Joe Biden’s competent and honest leadership with Donald Trump’s reckless disregard for the needs of the American people. In addition to new ads, Priorities is releasing an updated version of “Exponential Threat,” which the Trump campaign has threatened broadcasters for airing. 

This is part of Priorities’ ongoing $7.6 million TV and digital ad buy that reaches voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. 

Even weeks after the United States recorded its first coronavirus case, the Trump administration continued to downplay the severity of the crisis and failed to acquire the necessary stockpiles of personal protective equipment that allow medical professionals to safely care for sick patients. Now that hundreds of thousands of Americans are sick and millions have lost their jobs, Donald Trump has still failed to demonstrate an ability to lead our country through this crisis. Voters need to know the truth about how this administration has failed them and made this epidemic worse so they can continue to hold Donald Trump accountable during this unprecedented crisis. 

These ads are running on pre-roll video, social media, and streaming TVs, targeted at voters who are likely to be undecided and responsive to these messages. In markets where Priorities’ ads are not running on TV, voters are getting a heavier dose of digital frequency. In all markets, our message is mirroring what’s on TV, including shorter versions of “Exponential Threat,” which Trump has tried to take off the air twice because he is afraid of Americans seeing the truth about his failure to respond to this crisis and protect their lives. 

“We’re paying close attention to voters’ consumption habits during this crisis to ensure we’re reaching voters where they are spending their time, even in a changing environment,” said Danielle Butterfield, Director of Paid Media at Priorities USA Action. “Our goal is to hold Trump accountable for his incompetent handling of the crisis by reminding voters of his early inaction and continued failed leadership.” 

  • Nurses and Doctors” showcases how the Trump administration has abandoned the medical professionals on the front lines of this crisis, leaving them without the necessary protective equipment to care for patients while keeping themselves safe. 
  • Ventilators” gives voice to the patients and medical professionals begging for vital equipment while Trump repeatedly lies by saying we already have enough.
  • Playbook” emphasizes the intelligence that the Trump administration ignored in the months leading up to the coronavirus outbreak, which is now claiming thousands of American lives. 
  • Other Countries” juxtaposes the exponential rise of cases in the US with Trump’s lies that we have “very few cases” when compared to other countries. 
  • Map” demonstrates that while the number of cases of coronavirus was quickly rising, Trump was still downplaying the crisis and refusing to take responsibility. 
  • Truth and Action” and “Steady Leadership” show the American people what real leadership looks like. While Donald Trump continues to demonstrate incompetence and an administration in chaos, Vice President Joe Biden will bring honesty and decisive action back to the White House.

“Donald Trump has continued to fail the American people in the midst of this national crisis,” said Patrick McHugh, Executive Director of Priorities USA Action. “We have an obligation to hold him accountable for the thousands of lives this administration has endangered with their recklessness and incompetence. Priorities will not allow Donald Trump’s lies to go unanswered – the American people deserve the truth.”