Statement from Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil in Response to President Biden’s Speech on Voting Rights
Today, Priorities USA Chairman Guy Cecil issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s speech on the urgency of passing voting rights legislation to protect against voter suppression efforts across the country:
“President Biden’s remarks this afternoon demonstrated a significant step in the right direction. It is time for Senate Democrats to reform the filibuster and pass desperately needed voting rights protections.
“The Republican Party has consistently used their governing power to make it more difficult to register, to vote, and to have that vote counted. We know they will not lift a finger to protect our democracy and the right to vote. Now is the time for Democrats in Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Our party has a moral responsibility to act.
“Since 2015, Priorities USA has worked tirelessly to protect voting rights. Our litigation and voter education initiatives will continue to center communities who are disproportionately impacted by voter suppression. As Priorities and our allies continue our efforts, we are calling on Congress to use their power to protect the sacred right to vote.”