Priorities USA Action Releases New TV Ad Highlighting Joe Biden’s Plan to Get the Country Back on Track and Donald Trump’s Failure to Protect Americans
With over 150,000 American coronavirus deaths and a rapidly contracting economy, Donald Trump has proven time and time again that he is unwilling and unable to get our country back on track. Even after millions of Americans have gotten sick with many more left struggling, Donald Trump still has not grasped the severity of this crisis and the scale of the response required. While Trump stays in his comfort zone of lies, misinformation, and distraction, Joe Biden has been putting out plans to get the coronavirus under control and save our economy.
“Grasped” makes the case for Joe Biden’s steady, fact-driven leadership. Unlike Trump, who wasted time and ignored scientific experts, Biden will confront the coronavirus crisis by using science, taking swift action, and always putting the interests of the American people first. “Grasped” will run on cable and broadcast in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.
Priorities USA continues to spend almost $1.5 million on TV and digital advertising every week in battleground states, while the Trump campaign recently pulled down TV advertising because voters aren’t buying the president’s attempts to distract Americans from his failures. Since March, Priorities has spent over $27 million telling the American people the truth about Trump’s inability to control the coronavirus and keep the American people safe. Priorities is committed to investing more than $200 million through the end of the year to defeat Donald Trump and ensure that Joe Biden is the next President of the United States.
“There is no case for a second term for Donald Trump. That’s why his campaign is scrambling to find new ways to spread misinformation and lie to the American people to cover up his obvious failures. Priorities USA is committed to giving voters the facts about Donald Trump’s incompetent administration, and it’s no surprise that Americans want a change,” said Priorities USA Action Executive Director Patrick McHugh. “Joe Biden will walk into the White House on Day One with a plan to get the coronavirus under control, rehabilitate our economy, and provide access to high-quality health care for every American.”