Priorities USA Action and Latino Victory Fund Launch New Spanish Radio Ads in Florida and Arizona
Priorities USA Action and Latino Victory Fund are releasing a pair of radio ads specifically targeting Latino voters in Arizona and Florida. “Empatía” and “Milagro,” which will run on Spanish-language radio, highlight Donald Trump’s failure to lead and make the case for Joe Biden’s strong, steady leadership.
The ads will run as part of the $726,000 radio ad buy from both groups announced this week, and will air in the Phoenix, Tucson, and Orlando media markets. This investment is part of an ongoing effort to engage Latino voters through a multi-channel media strategy — reaching them where they spend their time and get their information.
Priorities has invested $6.8 million in outreach to the Latino community across multiple mediums, including digital advertising — all produced by a culturally competent in-house team and informed by extensive research with Latino voters. Priorities is also running Spanish-language TV ads in Florida in partnership with the American Federation of Teachers, and will soon begin running Latino-targeted digital ads in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
“Empatía” (Empathy) is a one-minute spot that features two Spanish-speaking friends discussing Biden’s proven record of empathy, action and good results, and the reasons why he’s the best leader to rebuild the nation’s economy and effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic. In “Milagro” (Miracle), also one minute long, a Spanish speaker outlines that while Trump has been quoted stating that “a miracle” is needed for COVID-19 to disappear and the economy to heal, what we need is to elect a leader like Biden who successfully worked to control and end the Ebola epidemic in 2014 and to restore the nation’s economy after the 2008 financial crisis.
Latino communities have been disproportionately harmed by Donald Trump’s failed leadership and his inability to control the coronavirus crisis. According to a recent tracking poll from Latino Decisions, nearly 70% of Latino registered voters disapprove of the president’s handling of the pandemic. Priorities USA Action and Latino Victory Fund have committed millions of dollars to defeating Donald Trump and ensuring Joe Biden is elected president in November.
“This election will be close. We’ve always known that Florida will be decisive in choosing our next president — and Latino voters will play a crucial role in Joe Biden’s winning coalition,” said Guy Cecil, Chairman of Priorities USA. “Priorities is proud to partner with Latino Victory Fund to take on a president whose failure to contain the coronavirus and keep Americans safe has disproportionately harmed the Latino community. We won’t take a single vote for granted.”
“In Florida and Arizona, home to some of the largest Latinx populations in the nation, these radio spots continue to introduce Vice President Joe Biden to our community, as we remind them of Trump’s ineffective leadership. We are thrilled to engage and speak directly to Spanish-speaking Latino voters through culturally competent ads,” said Luis A. Miranda, Jr., Chairperson of the Latino Victory Fund. “Latinos are being reminded that there is a way to stop Trump’s divisiveness and hateful rhetoric, and show his failures on the Latino community. This election will be decided by the Latino vote and we are doing everything we can during the most consequential election of our lives to ensure our community votes in its interests and not against.”